
[지역사회간호학회지] 2016년 6월, 제 27권 제 2호
Effects of Sexual Abuse Prevention Education Program on Sexual Knowledge and Attitude among Elementary School Students
Page 132~143 Writer Lee, Yun Hee, Hwang, Won Ju
File mm__201607221512030.pdf 주요어 Sexual Abuse Prevention Education Program, Elementary School Students

As children sexual abuse becomes a social issue, voicesurging the prevention of sexual abuse are growing rapidly. According to Supreme Public Prosecutors' Office, children sexual abuse cases are constantly growing such as 735 in 2004, 844 in 2006, 971 in 2008 and 1,004 in 2010. As 958 children sexual abuse cases were reported in 2012 and 1,051 cases in 2013, approximately 1,000 children a year are exposed to sexual abuse crimes.