
[지역사회간호학회지] 2019년 3월, 제 30권 제 1호
Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Nursing Information Literacy Competency
Page 25~37 Writer Jo, Meanjung · Ha, Yeongmi
File mm__201903291059400.pdf 주요어 Literacy; Nurses; Knowledge

The information society in the 21st century provides an opportunity for people to easily access information anytime and anywhere with the explosion of information and the development of communication technologies. In modern society where information resources are rapidly increasing, selecting accurate information is taking on greater importance than ever [1]. The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) in the U.S. has developed information literacy competency standards for higher education by systematically categorizing the five types of
competencies that college students could effectively utilize information [1].